It really does not matter whether you are a new rider or a veteran; you need to be properly attired when riding a motorbike. You need to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Though not as common, there are riders who will brave the harsh winters of Canada and still ride their bikes.
They need to be properly attired in order to keep them safe. But no matter what the weather is, you will be travelling at speed. You want to remain safe on the roads but at the same time, you can still look stylish and cool! Here are some things to consider regarding motorcycle gear.
1. Gloves
In the event that you were to be involved in an accident, it is normal for you to use your hands to protect yourself as much as possible. Your hands will instinctively try to break your fall, so chances are that your hands will hit the deck first. You need to keep your hands protected to absorb shock and impact as well as protect from cuts, gashes and abrasions. A good pair of gloves is a necessary part of your motorbike gear.
2. Helmets
A helmet protects the most important part of your body from serious injury. The kind of helmet you get should be appropriate for the way you use your bike. If you ride at high speeds in general, then you should be wearing a helmet that is appropriate. Never think of cost when it comes to a helmet. Get a good one for your personal situation. Make sure it fits properly, does not move about but at the same time, isn’t painful or uncomfortable.
When choosing a helmet, there are several considerations such as those mentioned above. Basically, if you are riding in small streets at average speed, you don’t need a $1,000 helmet. At the same time, and more importantly, if you are on the highway, travelling at the speed of sound, then make sure you’re not wearing a $99 helmet!
3. The Jacket
In case of an accident, a jacket can really help prevent worse injuries from occurring. This does mean that jackets will be pretty expensive. However, they can also be really stylish and cool. Pick one that matches your personality, but always keep safety in mind as your number one priority when getting a bike jacket. The jacket can prevent your skin from a really bad abrasion.
Get a weatherproof motorcycle jacket. They should also have armoured shoulders and elbows. Make sure to get one that has detachable layers. This means you can wear it all year round.
4. Jeans
Wear jeans that have extra protection, such as Kevlar fiber. Look for jeans in a place that sells good motorcycle gear. Make sure that the one you get has hip protectors. Kevlar protector pockets for your knee and your backside would also be ideal. Make sure to ask the salesperson about these jeans.
You know how you will ride and what you are like. You know your personality best. With that in mind, you can chose your motorcycle gear appropriately. You will feel protected and comfortable the whole year while looking good at the same time.