Home Advice 5 Dog Care Rules for Portuguese Water Dogs

5 Dog Care Rules for Portuguese Water Dogs

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When it comes to owning a pet dog, you should know that it is a great responsibility as well as a great experience. Many dog owners find a new best friend in their dog and fall in love with them in no time at all. Portuguese water dogs are no exception. They are fun loving, friendly and active. Anyone who meets your Portuguese water dog will find them to be wonderful company.

As with any pet, there are some specific things that you should keep in mind when it comes to their care. Every dog breed has specific things that they like and we have gathered a list of tips for Portuguese water dog puppy care.

Read on to learn how to give your Portuguese water dog the best possible life.

1. Feeding time

Portuguese water dog pups are growing fast and need lots of little meals to stay healthy and strong. For the first 8 to 12 weeks they should be fed four meals over a 24 hour period. As the dog gets a little older, usually around the 3-month mark you can switch it up to 3 meals per day.

You can then adjust the feeding schedule to what you think is appropriate. After all, no two dogs are alike. Just feed him enough to be healthy and happy and you will be on to a winner.

2. A good diet

It is wise to invest in top quality brand name dog food. There are a lot of vitamins and minerals that your dog will need to be healthy. Some cheaper dog food will not be nearly as good for them. If your Portuguese water dog does not get the right nutrients and vitamins then there are some tooth and bone issues that may arise.

If you get the sense that your Portuguese water dog is not enjoying or finishing their food, it might be time to try something else. You should also make sure that your Portuguese water dog is getting enough water.

By making sure that their water bowl is always topped up, especially in the summer, you can be sure that they are well hydrated. This is also something that you should think about during the summer when you go for walks. Just like people, time out in the sun and heat can leave you thirsty for a nice cold drink.

3. Grooming

You can help to keep their amount that your Portuguese water dog sheds to a minimum by brushing the new addition to the family on a regular basis. As you do this it is also a good idea to check for ticks and fleas. Portuguese water dogs don’t need to be bathed more than a couple of times a year, but this is really up to you.

4. How to carry your Portuguese water dog

When carrying the Portuguese water dog pup, place a hand under their chest and then support the rest of your pet with your other arm. Don’t try to lift your Portuguese water dog by their legs or tail as this will understandably be very painful and could cause injury.

5. A dog’s house

Just like any dog, your Portuguese water dog needs a warm comfortable place to sleep and call its own. If you want to, you can always get your pet a dog bed. Be sure to clean their bed often and make sure that they know that it is theirs and they should feel comfortable using it to sleep in.

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