Home Advice Top 5 Qualities Qualities You Want in Nursing Scrubs

Top 5 Qualities Qualities You Want in Nursing Scrubs

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Medical professionals like nurses, techs, and nurse practitioners routinely wear nursing scrubs during their working hours. Choosing the right scrubs requires settling on the qualities that come with each set. Here are give qualities that must be present.

1. Free Range of Motion

Nurses need to move without anything interfering with the range of motion. Scrubs that fit properly but also do not inhibit the ability to move the arms and legs freely is a must. While this quality is helpful any time, it’s especially important if the nurse is attempting to help a patient who is in distress.

2. Comfort

Many nurses work long hours. That means spending lots of time in nursing scrubs. The material must feel soft to the skin and not bunch or chaff. A comfortable uniform makes it easier to focus the attention on the patients.

3. Pockets

Deep pockets on nursing uniforms are one of the most essential design qualities. They provide an easy way to carry essentials like alcohol pads or small vials while still leaving the hands free. Those pockets make it a lot easier to make the rounds and see all of the assigned patients without making frequent visits to a supply room.

Two deep pockets on the pants are essential. A top that comes with at least one pocket helps. Consider going with a top that comes with two deeper pockets as well as the one breast pocket. This allows the nurse to carry more of the basic sterile items used when performing quick checks on the conditions of patients.

4. Easy to Clean

Contact with body fluids and other substances is part of a typical nursing shift. Always choose materials that can be laundered and dried with ease. A quality set of Koi scrubs will resist staining and make it easier to remove all sorts of residue. That allows the nurse to enjoy more years of use before the scrubs must be discarded.

Remember that a blend of synthetic and natural material is often a good choice. The synthetic fibers help boost the stain resistant qualities and reduce wrinkling. Natural fibers help add a softer feel while still allowing the uniform to look crisp after being laundered and dried.

5. Color Compliance

Some medical institutions require that nurses wear specific colors while on the job. Others allow nurses to choose their own colors. When considering different sets of Mobb scrubs, always consider what color ranges or options will fit in with the employer’s guidelines. Since scrubs do some in a wide range of patterns and hues, it won’t be hard to find several sets that work well.

Remember that not all scrubs are made using the best materials or have a design that is practical. Consider your options carefully and go with sets that make it easier to do your work, help you feel comfortable, and will clean up easily once your shift is over. The Daily Scrubs website has more online resources available.

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